Sunday, December 20, 2009

1500pt Armored Company

Well I'm bored today so i've been playing around with army builder.  Here is a 1500 point armored company force that I can currently field.  This is built using the revised Imperial Amour 1 rules from forgeworld.

Company Command Tank(BS4): Vanquisher with Lascannon, and Ace Gunner
Commissar Tank(BS4): Vanquisher with Lascannon

Leman Russ Executioner with Plasma Sponsons and Hull Heavy Flamer
Leman Russ Battle Tank with triple Heavy Bolters

Leman Russ Battle Tank with triple Heavy Bolters
Leman Russ Battle Tank with triple Heavy Bolters
Armored Fist Squad: 10 Men with Meltagun, Chimera
Armored Fist Squad: 10 Men with Meltagun, Chimera

Heavy Support:
Destroyer Tank Hunter with Laser Destroyer


  1. It's really fun to see that many tanks in the list, but it doesn't have anything "cool".

    Would be nice to see some scouting Sentinels, or some Air Support...something to break up the monotony of 50 Leman Russ hulls across the table.

    Can a similar number of tanks be fielded using the normal guard codex?

  2. It would be very easy to drop the Laser Destroyer tank and switch it for either a vendetta or 3 scout sentinels with lascannons.

    I could put that many tanks into the guard codex, but with the squadron rules I feel it would be pretty gimpy. + the BS4 on the command tanks definatly makes the vanquishers worth while.
